Hello wonderful mathematics people.
I'm Anna Cox from Kella Community College.
Imaginary number sqrt -1 equal I also -1 equal I ^2.
Complex numbers are of the form A+ BI where A&B are real
The conjugate of a complex number, also known as the
complex complex conjugate of A+ BI is A minus BI.
If I take and I multiply together the conjugates A+ BI
times a minus BI using my foil, I would get a squared minus ABI
plus ABI minus b ^2 I ^2.
Well, if we combine like terms, the negative ABI and the
positive ABI are going to cancel I ^2 down here is really -1.
So negative b ^2 * -1 would give us a positive b ^2.
So the complex conjugate's a very useful manner to get rid of
If we wanted to do a division problem, say we had 2 - 3 I over
4 + 5 I, we'd multiply by its conjugate and the conjugate
would be 4 - 5 I.
And if we do the bottom, we have to do the top 4 - 5 I.
If we foil this out, we'd get 8 -, 10 I -12 I plus 15I squared
on the top over 16 - 20 I plus twenty I -, 25 I squared.
So on the top, this I ^2 turns into a negative 1/8 and -15
would give us -7 -, 22 I for the top portion numerator.
On the bottom, the -20 I and +20 I cancel I ^2 turns into a -1,
so we get 16 + 25, which is 41.
If we were asked to actually write it as a complex number,
it'd be -741 -, 2241.
I thank you and have a wonderful day.
This is Anna Cox.