7-7-23 sech (6lnx)
When doing this problem, because we have the hyperbolic secant of
an LNI, would use the actual definition.
So we'd get X to the 12 + 1 two over E to the lane of X to the
6th, plus E to the negative lane of X to the 6th.
So that's going to give us X to the 12th plus 1 * 2 / X to the
6th plus 1 / X to the 6th.
Now to get rid of the complex fraction, I'm going to multiply
by X to the 6th over X to the 6th.
Remember, we're still just on Y at this point.
So we get 12.
No, we get X to the 12th plus one times 2X to the 6th over X
to the 12th plus one.
So the X to the 12th plus ones cancel and we get 2X to the 6th.
So our Y prime 12X to the 5th.