OK, for this problem, we're going to do our definition of
the absolute value of F of X minus our L has to be less than
our epsilon or our error.
And X -, X not has to be less than our delta.
So our F of X is MX -4 M less than .03, negative .03 less than
MX -4 M less than point O3.
Add the four M's divide by M.
It was important that M was greater than 0, which it was
given, so we don't have to worry about flipping those inequality
So we get 4 - .03 / m less than X less than 4 + .03 / m.
For the second part, we're going to have X - 4 less than delta.
So negative delta less than X -, 4 less than delta.
Add the four to each piece, 4 minus delta, less than X less
than four plus delta.
So then the left side has to equal the left side.
So this side here has got to equal this side here, and the
right side needs to equal the right side.
So this piece here has got to equal this piece here.
And we end up with delta equaling .03 / m So the interval
is going to be 4 -, .03 / m, 4 + .03 / m and delta equal .03 / m.