Looking at the picture they gave us, we can see that 2X's plus Z
has got to equal the shorter side or the 30.
So if we solve for Z, we'd get Z equal 30 -, 2 X.
Looking at the longer side, we can see we have X&Y and
another X&Y.
So two X + 2 Y equal 48.
Or if we solve for Y, we'd get 24 - X.
The volume of a box is X * y * Z, So if I take X and instead of
Yi put in 24 - X and instead of ZI put in 30 - 2 X, I'm going to
distribute in foil and combine like terms so we get the volume
equaling 720X minus 78 X squared plus 2X cubed.
Taking the first derivative and setting it equal to 0, we'd have
0 equaling 720 - 156 X +6 X squared.
I realize all of those numbers are evenly divisible by 6, so
I'd have 0 equaling X ^2 - 20 six X + 120 as an equivalent
That one's much easier to factor X -, 20, X -6 X can't equal 20
because 20 would be too big.
If I was trying to take two 20s away from thirty or two 20s away
from the 48, that wouldn't leave enough for the other side.
So X has to be 6, Y is going to be 24 - 6 or 18.
Z is going to be 30 - 2 * 6 or 18 again.
So 6 inches times 18 inches times 18 inches.
If we'd actually asked for the volume, we would have just
multiplied 6 * 18 * 18.