OK, the first thing on this one is to realize that the numerator
has a 6X in common.
So if I factor out a six XI, get one plus cosine 6X left, I have
5 sine 6X, cosine 6X on the bottom.
So I'm going to group the 6X on top and the sine 6X on bottom
because we know that that'll go to one.
So we're going to multiply it by everything that's left, the one
plus cosine six X / 5, cosine 6X.
So when we put X goes to zero, we get one.
For this first fraction, cosine of 0 is 1, so we're going to
have 1 + 1 / 5 * 1 one times 2/5, which is just going to give
us 2/5.
If you hadn't seen to pull out that 6X, you still could have
done this saying the limit is X goes to 0, Pull that sine 6X
Put everything else down here at the end.
6X plus 6X cosine 6X all over 5 cosine 6X.
Now to make this work, I know I need a 6X on top, and if I pull
a 6X out of thin air, I've got to put a 6X on bottom.
So now we're going to realize that we've got to cancel this X
out somehow.
So we still are going to have to do that factoring.
So limit X goes to 0 of 6X over sine 6X times.
If I pull out the six XI, get one plus cosine 6X left, that'll
cancel with the 6X and five cosine 6X.
So then when we substitute that X = 0 or get X approaches zero,
we get one.
These six XS here would cancel and we would get one plus cosine
of 0 which is 1 / 5 times cosine of 0 which is one or 2/5 as a
final answer.