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    I'm going to take the derivative each term. So the derivative of X in terms of X is 1D XDX or just one. The derivative of tangent is secant squared, but we have to do the chain rule here. So now we need to take the derivative in terms of X of that inside piece. So secant squared XY X * y is a product. So we're going to take the derivative of the first X times the Y plus the derivative of the Y times the X. And then the derivative of a constant is just zero. So we're going to get one minus secant squared XY. The derivative of X is going to be 1D XDX. Or we could think of that as just one times our Y plus the derivative of Y in terms of X is going to be 1DY DX times our X. So 1 minus secant squared XY. Then we get AY plus XDYDX.