OK, so this equation is given as V of N equaling -150 N +1050.
If we read it, it sells.
This V of N is the trade in value in dollars after N winners
of use.
So the slope in this equation is -150 and the -150 is money per
The fact that it's a negative tells us it's decreasing in
So then snow blowers value is decreasing by 150 per winter.
What does the 1050 represent?
Well, the 1050 is really ry intercept so that 1050 is the
cost new because when N winners have passed, when N is 0 or no
winners have passed, that would tell us it was 1050 for our
And V of N where N is 0, IE no winners have occurred, would
give us AV of 0 or AY value of being 1050.
Now the last part is when will the trade in value be 150?
So we want to know when is V of NA-150.
So when we look at this, the first thing we're going to do is
we're going to subtract a 1050 from that 150.
So 150 -, 1050 is going to give us -900 and -900 equal -150 N If
we divide each side by -150 negative 900 / -150 negative 150
N divided by -150, we're going to get N being 6.
So six winners after we originally purchased the snow
blower, it would be worth 100 and.