1-6-14 double substitution
Here's #14 on 1.6.
Remember we're going to start with Y equal VX, so DYDX equal.
Doing the product rule.
The derivative of X is 1, so just v + X DVDX.
So instead of the Y, we put in VX, instead of the Y prime v + X
DVD X + X equal the square root X ^2 + v ^2 X ^2.
So doing some manipulation here, we're going to get v ^2 X plus
VX squared DVDX plus X equal.
If we factor out an X here, we get an X sqrt 1 + v ^2.
So now we're going to let's go ahead and divide everything
through by an X so we get v ^2.
Now remember, this means it's an equivalent.
It's not necessarily equal, but we're going to do it to see if
we can get anything a little more simplistic.
So if we divide everything through by an X, we get
something that looks like this.
If I take everything without the DVDX to one side, I'm going to
get square root 1 + v ^2 -, 1 -, v ^2.
So then if I think about needing to take all of the V's to one
side and everything else to the other, I'm going to V divided by
square root 1 + v ^2 -, 1 -, v ^2 equaling DX divided by X.
So now we could think about pulling out a negative here and
realize that the right side when I integrate, oops, I lost my DV,
sorry, there's DV.
This right side, when I integrate it, is just going to
end up with the LNX plus C.
So let's think about doing AU sub here.
If we have AU equal 1 + v ^2, we get DU equaling 2 VDV or 1/2 DU
equal VDV.
So we'd have our 1/2.
I'm going to put it out in front DU over.
Here's sqrt U -, U equaling the natural log absolute value of X
plus some C Well, we don't really know what to do with this
either, so let's factor out a sqrt U.
And if we did that, we get 1 -, sqrt U left.
And let's think about doing another substitution here.
So if we have this, we could think of V equaling 1 -, sqrt U.
So DV would then equal -1 / 2 square roots of U du.
So we would get -2 DV.
Oh no, let's leave that there.
So we have -1 half square, DUDU.
So when I look at this, here's my 1/2, there's my du, here's my
square of U.
So all I really need is a negative.
So over here we're going to get negative DV over V and then
we'll take the integral of that.
So this is going to be negative.
The natural log of V equal the natural log of X.
We could call that C the natural log of some other constant.
So now we have the negative natural log of 1 -, sqrt U equal
the natural log of X plus the natural log of some C1, let's
So from there we can see that this is just really going to be.
If I take that negative up on top, we could then use the
natural log rules and we could get 1 / 1 -, sqrt U equaling X *
C one, and then the square root of U Back here, if we thought
about square root of U, that'd be sqrt 1 + v ^2.
So we're going to look at 1 / 1 -, sqrt 1 + v ^2 equaling XC1.
And then we got to get rid of the V, so we get 1 / 1 -, sqrt 1
+ y ^2 / X ^2 equaling XC1.
Common denominator here we're going to get one minus the
square root X ^2 + y ^2 / X ^2 equaling XC1.
So then we can pull out an X out.
So we get one over.
This is going to be X minus the square root X ^2 + y ^2 all over
Just getting a this one to turn into X / X and that square root
coming out equals XC one.
So then we're going to 1 divided by means we take the reciprocal
and then we could divide each side by plain old X and we could
cross multiply.
So we would get X minus the square root X ^2 + y ^2 times
the XC1 equaling X.
So just cross multiply to start and then cancel the X's.
So we'd get X -, sqrt X ^2 + y ^2 * C one equaling one if we
divide by C1.
All I'm doing here is doing some simplification.
I could get 1 / C one, which we could call some new CC two.
So if I subtract this constant over and add sqrt X ^2 + y ^2,
then we could actually square each side.
So we could have X + C two quantity squared minus X ^2
equaling y ^2 by squaring each side.
And then actually we could foil this out and the X ^2 would
We get X ^2 + 2 XC 2 plus C 2 ^2 -, X ^2.
So our y ^2 would eventually end up being 2X.
We could call.
We'll just leave it as C2 plus C2 squared.
So that's one possible answer.