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Resume Maker Basics
  1. Welcome
  2. Getting to Resume Maker
  3. Resume Maker login
  4. Resumes & Letters tab
  5. Start a New Resume selection
  6. Personal Information
  7. Examples & Advice box
  8. Resume Type
  9. Recommended Sections
  10. Resume Title
  11. Summary
  12. Experience and Education
  13. Style
  14. Finish
  15. Resume Center
  16. Resume management options
  17. Contact us
  18. Thank you
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Welcome to “Resume Maker basics” presented <BR>by the Job & Career Education Center at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. My name is Rhea. The goal of this tutorial is to <BR>introduce you to Resume Maker, a powerful resume-creation tool available from <BR>CLP. To get started, we’ll begin at the library’s home <BR>page: To get to Resume Maker, click on “Tools & <BR>Research.” Next, click on “Jobs, Careers, & Education.” Then click on “Tools and Databases.” Scroll down to Resume Maker. Click on “Library Access” if you are in a CLP <BR>library. Click on “Remote Access” if you are not in a CLP <BR>library. If you’ve never used Resume Maker before, click <BR>on “Get Started Now” to create a free account. If you have an account, enter your email address <BR>and password and click “Log in.” Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be in the “Resumes <BR>& Letters” tab. From this screen, you can begin to build a <BR>resume or cover letter. Before we begin a resume, let’s take a look at <BR>some other features that can help you. If you want help, you can view Resume Maker’s <BR>tutorials by clicking on the embedded video. For other tips and advice, click on one of the <BR>listed tip sheets. Tip sheets are PDF documents and open in a <BR>new tab. To start creating a resume, click “Start New <BR>Resume.” Select the radio button “New, Step-by-Step <BR>Resume Wizard" and then click “Continue.” As you add information to the resume wizard, <BR>there are a number of built-in features to help you. The main square is where you enter your <BR>information. The “New Resume” box will show you your <BR>resume progress. Clicking on “Examples & Advice” brings up a new <BR>dialog box with helpful information. The dialog box has three tabs with content to help <BR>you. The “Examples” tab will show you examples of <BR>the resume piece you’re currently working on. The “Advice" tab will give you more information <BR>and tips about the resume piece you’re on. The “Q & A” tab answers frequently asked <BR>questions you may have about the resume piece you’re building. For the “Personal Information” area, enter your <BR>information and then click “Continue.” The next step is selecting a format for your <BR>resume. For this tutorial, we'll create a chronological <BR>resume. Once you've chosen your type, click "Continue." The next step is selecting sections for your <BR>resume. Click the “x” to remove a section. Click the “up arrow” to move a section up in your <BR>resume. Click the “down arrow” to move a section down in <BR>your resume. If you want to add other sections to your resume, <BR>click “Add Another” to bring up a dialog box with all available sections. When you’ve finished selecting sections, click <BR>“Continue.” Give your resume a title and click “Continue.” For each section, type in the information <BR>requested. When typing information into text fields, be sure <BR>to avoid excess spacing. Extra spaces will show up in the final resume. If you need bullets or other formatting, be sure to <BR>include them using the text editing tools. For some sections, like “Summary” you have <BR>more features to help you. “Spell Check” will check your spelling. “Phrases” will give you suggestions for what to <BR>write. “Words” will give you words and synonyms that <BR>you can click on to add to your resume. When you are finished with a section, click <BR>“Continue.” The experience and education sections include <BR>an “Add Another” button. If you have multiple experience or education <BR>entries, each one will need its own form. For each separate entry, click “Add Another.” Once you have finished adding your information, <BR>you have the option to choose a style for your resume. The “Style” page gives you a drop-down menu <BR>with multiple options. Selecting an option will bring up a preview of a <BR>resume using that style, a summary of the resume properties, including font size and <BR>alignment, and a drop-down menu for choosing a font for your resume. After you select a style, click “Continue.” Congratulations, you've completed a resume! You can view the resume and set the resume as <BR>“public” or “private.” A “public” resume can be viewed by others. A “private” resume can only be viewed by you. Once you’ve set your privacy, click “Continue.” The Resume Center page will give you a <BR>summary of your resume, including the included sections, the style, and the privacy <BR>section. The top box also gives you a number of options <BR>for managing your resume. You can choose to view your resume, print your <BR>resume, e-mail your resume, export your resume as a Word, rich text, PDF, <BR>text or HTML document, clone or copy your resume, and share your <BR>resume via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and FriendFeed. If you need more help with Resume Maker, <BR>please see our other tutorials or ask a librarian! If you have questions about this tutorial please <BR>contact the Job and Career Education Center at 412-622-3133 or Thank you for watching this tutorial. Please help <BR>the Job & Career Education Center by completing a brief survey.<BR><BR>