BB Trianing SafeAssign
What SafeAssign is
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Welcome to Blackboard Training: SafeAssign, <BR>brought to you by the Center for Innovation.
In this training you will learn the SafeAssign <BR>tool in Blackboard, including how you submit <BR>an assignment through SafeAssign
and how to view SafeAssign assignments and <BR>instructor feedback.
Written instructions for this training are <BR>available at the bottom of your screen.
IWU utilizes SafeAssign for most major papers <BR>submitted at the university.
SafeAssign is a tool that compares your paper <BR>against hundreds of thousands of other <BR>papers and resources.
The purpose of having you submit your paper <BR>is twofold:
First, it allows your paper to be added into the <BR>SafeAssign database and can help prevent <BR>cheating of future students
and second, it compares your paper for <BR>originality and can help your professor correct <BR>mistakes,
verify research, and in the worst case, catch <BR>cheating.
To submit an assignment requiring <BR>SafeAssign you first must browse to the <BR>assignments submission tool in your course.
Under the desired SafeAssign area you will <BR>click on the ‘View Complete’ link.
Under the ‘Upload SafeAssignment’ screen <BR>you will have an area where you can enter
comments to your faculty member and then <BR>attach your file using the ‘Browse’ button.
You will then need to check the box next to ‘I <BR>agree to submit my paper to the Global <BR>Reference Database’
before selecting ‘Submit’.
After the assignment has been submitted and <BR>is scored by your faculty member,
you can go back into the SafeAssign <BR>assignment area to view your score and <BR>feedback.
To do this you will need to follow similar steps <BR>to the ones you used when you submitted the <BR>assignment initially.
You will click on the appropriate content area <BR>menu button (i.e. Submit Assignments, <BR>Assignments, etc.)
and then select the ‘View/Complete’ link under <BR>the desired assignment.
This will take you to the ‘View SafeAssignment’ <BR>screen where you can view your score, <BR>feedback, and SafeAssign report.
Note: this is different from the normal method <BR>that you would use to view your grades for a <BR>regular assignment.
Typically you would go through the ‘My Grades’ <BR>section and then click on the hyperlinked score <BR>to access your score and feedback.
However SafeAssign assignments are not <BR>able to be accessed in this fashion
and if you try to access them this way you will <BR>get an error message.
Therefore, you will need to access the score <BR>for SafeAssignment
by going back to the assignment and <BR>selecting the ‘View/Complete’ link again.