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Sensei Cam McGregor - SHODAN
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    Sensei Tom introduces the proceedings with a little of Cam's <BR>background at the club.... Cam is the FIRST "organic" BlackBelt to come up through <BR>the ranks from the Combermere club... Consensus from ALL the Senseis in attendance at his <BR>grading was that Cam was #1 or #2 among ALL students <BR>testing... Sensei Bob speaks a few words and offers his sage advice... Sensei Wayne shares his insights into what the rank of <BR>Shodan may bring to Cam's understanding... Sensei Rick offers the benefit of his first-hand experience... Sensei Dave shares some keen insights as to what is <BR>possible for Cam... Sensei Albert presents the newest SHODAN with his hard-<BR>earned BlackBelt... SENSEI Cam McGregor (back L-R) Sensei Albert - Sensei Rick - Sensei Dave - <BR>Sensei Tom (front L-R) Sensei Cam - Sensei Bob - Sensei <BR>Wayne May 11/11 CONGRATULATIONS from ALL the Students & <BR>Instructors - Bancroft Martial Arts, Combermere Martial Arts