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Intellectual Property
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    Today's keynote speakers for the law and <BR>digital education portion of the 2011 <BR>International Distance Education Conference will present in debate/dialect form a look at the <BR>future of intellectual property and the digital <BR>pace of communication in the information age.<BR><BR> R.Forest will present the traditional perspective <BR>and G. Forest will present the digital <BR>perspective. Personal Property leaves ownership in the <BR>hands of the inventor, writer, discoverer, or <BR>purchaser of some 'thing'. Burke, B. (1993). Personal Property. St.Paul, <BR>MN: West Group. Art, music, and writings are property of the <BR>maker, for an amount of time, unless the rights <BR>have not been established or have been sold. U.S. Constitution, Art. 1, Sec. 8 Foundation of Intellectual Property Law and the <BR>U.S. Constitution "To Promote the progress of science and useful <BR>art, by securing...exclusive rights." Pennsylvania Capitol Building Tour Flyer The new tools of sharing over open wifi and <BR>through public internet has impacted intellectual <BR>property. New tools of sharing include cloud computing, <BR>wikis, and blogs. R & G Forest and their youthful perspectives Traditional Intellectual Property Law relied <BR>heavily on copyright and patent regulations. Creative Common does not, at this time, <BR>provide a legal way for remedy. Copyright Act of 1976. Digital Milennium <BR>Copyright Act of 1998. Technology, Education <BR>and Copyright. P.L. 101-273. Copyright Laws of the United States Circular 92 <BR>(U.S. Copyright Office 2003). World Intellectual Property Organization. <BR> University of Wisconsin <BR>( The scales of justice weigh the public and <BR>private interest. The common good and the <BR>rights of the creator. How do you maintain the rights of a creator <BR>against the rights of the public? Distance Learning Video Assignment. ForestD Flip, Camtasia,